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The Adopt-A-Stream Program is a citizen volunteer stream monitoring program supported by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources in an effort to build partnerships to protect our most precious resource— water. GAAS assesses the health of local waterways through chemical, bacterial, macroinvertebrate and other related surveys. 


Adopt-A-Stream is a statewide program administered through the Georgia Environmental Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources. Two members of Yellow River Water Trail are certified to offer GAAS workshops.  All data collected by our volunteers is entered into the state's database and is accessible at GAAS


The primary goals of the program are to: 

  • Increase public awareness of pollution and water quality issues

  • Provide citizens with the tools and training to evaluate and protect local waterways

  • Encourage partnerships between citizens and their local government

  • Collect quality baseline water quality data  


Donations can be made securely

with a credit card or PayPal.


​All Georgia trainers will accept any state residents to attend workshops if space is available, but registration is required. Please see the GAAS website’s calendar of upcoming workshops and list of Community Coordinators. The cost of training is usually free, never more than $5 per person. Equipment may be acquired through grants, purchased through clubs or local business donations. Some areas make equipment available to volunteers who monitor within the county. Please contact a trainer or coordinator from the list above to learn what is possible in your area.


Trained GAAS volunteers can monitor the streams or lakes in their own backyards, or they may choose to adopt public waters. (Always have property owners’ permission before crossing private property lines.) Choose your own site, or ask a GAAS trainer/coordinator to help you select a site that is in need of monitoring. 


School groups and scout groups may want to coordinate workshops directly with a trainer. Please know that a group is not certified, only individuals. We recommend that scout leaders and teachers gain their certification so they can accompany and supervise their groups on all monitoring activities. This may be more efficient than certifying individual youths. The workshops are recommended for adults and youths beyond 4th grade. 


GAAS in DeKalb: There currently is no Yellow River Water Trail representation in DeKalb, but there are GAAS workshops available via several programs. Please see the GAAS website’s calendar of upcoming workshops and list of Community Coordinators for more information. 


GAAS in Gwinnett: GAAS is housed in the Gwinnett County Clean & Beautiful, a partner of YRWT. To inquire about programs there, please go to Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful, 446 West Crogan Street, Suite 225, Lawrenceville, GA  30046, or click on the GAAS website’s calendar. We have a number of YRWT volunteers who are active GAAS water monitors and would welcome more community involvement. 


GAAS in Newton: The GAAS program in Newton County is led by volunteers of Yellow River Water Trail. The City of Covington’s BMP Fund provides most supplies, but donations are welcome for supplies not covered. The Georgia Wildlife Federation, 11600 Hazelbrand Road, Covington, GA  30014, hosts workshops. Workshops are open and free to all, but registration is required as space is limited. Newton workshops are posted on the GAAS website’s calendar. To register for a workshop in Newton County or learn more, please email: (Please do not contact Georgia Wildlife Federation for workshop inquiries. All arrangements are handled through Yellow River Water Trail. Thank you!) We have numerous active sites around the county, and welcome volunteers to take on new ones.


GAAS in Rockdale: A new program is growing in Rockdale and welcomes members. No training is available at this time. The closest available trainer is in Newton; please see the GAAS website’s calendar of upcoming workshops and list of Community Coordinators for more information or contact Newton trainers directly at


Tamela Mills, Coordinator, Trainer

GA Adopt-A-Stream, Upper Ocmulgee Watershed

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